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More comments about Tirol

1 Sep 2006

Further to Mr Ruda's comments on Tirol 40, another friendly supporter, Bernard Engholm, wrote:

"William Shirer says in his 'Berlin Diary' (page 90, Vienna, April 10, 1938) 'This afternoon I visited a polling station in the Hofburg. The room, I imagine, had once been occupied by the Emperor's guard. I went inside one of the booths. Pasted on the wall in front of you was a sample ballot showing you how to mark yours with a Yes. There was also a wide slit in the corner of the booth which gave the election committee sitting a few feet away a pretty good view of how you voted!' Need we say more?

"The unique feature of Tirol 41 is that it is the only wartime Baedeker that actually mentions the Homeland receiving some punishment from the Allies. On page 6 in describing München we read 'Rundgang. Der nachstehend beschriebene kurze Rundgang erfordert ohne Innenbesichtigungen etwa 1½-2 Stunden. Die Frauenkirche, die Staatsbibliothek, die Alte Pinakothek, die Residenz, Schloss Nymphenburg u. a. Bauten wurden 1943 durch englische Luftangriffe schwer beschädigt.'"

Thanks! Keep the comments flowing... :-)

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