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Answers about Antwerp

7 Sep 2006

Many thanks to all the readers who wrote in about the Universal Exhibition in Antwerp. We even got a scan of the relevant pages from Belgium and Holland 11 (1894). In the end I think it was Belgien und Holland 20 (1894) that our questioner was thinking of.

The most detailed reply was probably this, which does set the situation out very clearly:

"The first Exposition Universelle in Antwerp took place in 1885. Baedeker, 1885 D278 mentions this Weltausstellung in 13 lines pp 121-122 and points to the map (Pl. BC 6) which is inaccurate. This should be AB 6.

"The second Exposition Universelle took place in 1894. Baedeker, 1894 D281 mentions this Weltausstellung in 35 lines pp 136-137 and between these pages a special map.

"The third Ex. Univ. took place in 1930. Baedeker, 1930 D288 one line only. p 155 (Pl. BC 8) (exposition de 1930)"

Thank you all very much again - isn't it fantastic how the Internet can bring together expertise from many different sources so quickly?

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