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Correspondence deciphered (part 2)

30 Apr 2008

And today, I have received from two sources, Mr Tim Kohl and Mr Martin Burkart, equivalent transcriptions of the second letter:

L. Gustav
Im Besitze Deines Schreibens theile Dir mit daß ich den Vertrag mit gleicher Post nach Stuttgart meinem Rechtsanwalt zur Abschrift übersende um sämtliche Akten in der Angelegenheit beisammen zu haben.
Nach Rückerhalt desselben werde ich Dir dieselben beide Exemplare sofort zusenden
Gustav Kühn

Dear Gustav,
having received your letter let me tell you that with the same mail I will send the contract to my lawyer in Stuttgart to have it transcribed, so that I have all documents in this matter. When I get it back I will send you the sameboth copies immediately.
Gustav Kühn

Well, yet another triumph for the combined powers of the readership! Very many thanks to everybody who has helped out with this.

Now, if we could work out:

  • Who brought the letters together (because, so far as I can tell, they are both originals and not copies, which wouldn't have been on headed paper nor so beautifully written) and thought them worth not just preserving, but also framing
  • Why?
  • Apart from the family relation by marriage, what was the ongoing business between the brothers-in-law ("further special concessions beyond what was done until now")?
  • And finally, why did Gustav K. change his mind about sending the documents back immediately?


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